Lilit Caradanian

Lilit Caradanian, also famously known worldwide as the one, the only, MakeupByLilit, is releasing her highly anticipated cosmetics line, Elcie.

Set to launch exclusively at IMATS 2015, Elcie will introduce its grand debut with its initial presentation of foundations, with expansion of a full line to come in the near future. Elcie has been a long time in the works, as MakeupBLilit has been producing the line for quite some time. What started as just an idea, has developed into a world of its own.

Elcie, named after the beauty guru herself, stands for her initials 'Lilit Caradanian = LC ~ 'Elcie', when sounded out. Lilit presents herself to you in this line, exposing all she has become; Lilit Caradanian IS ELCIE, and nothing can be more intimate or connected to her fans as that. As her hands have painted faces for the last 12 years, her foundation will now coat the skin into pure flawlessness. Thousands of women around the world have trusted Lilit's touch for over a decade, to enhance them into the goddess that they already are, by just simply adding a touch of sparkle to their soul once they leave her chair.

Makeup enthusiasts will now be able to have Lilit with them at all times, as her product will be the trusted choice of many foundation wearing women. Elcie is set to launch at IMATS 2015, in the center of the beauty universe. Lilit has thought long and hard about where and how to present her product to the world, and without a second doubt, she knew it should be where it all began, with her fans.

Elcie is launching specifically at the beauty show to be as close to home as possible, as her clients, worldwide followers and eager beauty lovers will be there to welcome it with love and admiration.


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MichaelNuh August 23, 2020

Ich bin 500 Meter vоn dir entfеrnt und iсh will Sеx:
Нallо Macho! Wеnn Sie miсh аuf Ihrеn Stock ziehen moсhtеn, sсhrеibеn Sie mir, wo wir uns treffen кonnеn. Schreibеn Siе hiеr еine Nаchricht:
Hаllo typ! Iсh suche Sex in dеinеr Stadt und iсh wunsсhte du hattest mich:
Hеу Масho! Ich mochte, dаss du mеine Jungfrauliсhkеit nimmst, mеin Prоfil ist hier:
Нallо hei?er Kеrl! Iсh bin noсh Jungfrаu, aber ich mochte wirкliсh, dass du mich in dеn Arsсh fiскst:

MichaelNuh August 23, 2020

I love the look of your new highlighters!! But I have found no where if you claim traceable mica, so I wish I could use them!

Jasee hamm June 07, 2019

Is your makeup line gonna be available in Canada?

Nelly November 20, 2017

I cannot find my shade on your sight is there some where else to buy your foundation

Tavia August 25, 2017

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